Are you still using a business landline for your phone?

Are you still using a business landline for your phone?
Anyone out there still using a business landline for their phone? If so you should know that you are paying 30% more a month for your dial tone with half the benefit. VoIP Business phone services are the future and if you are not using it you should be unless you have a terrible internet connection or an outdated network 🙁 ! Mango Voice offers over 100 features with no limitations at an affordable price.
Imagine a business phone system that guarantees your customers, patients or clients would be greeted perfectly every time, and always got a chance to speak with someone. What would that do for your business? Do you currently have reports telling you how many calls you are missing on a daily basis? If not Mango Voice can help you with that.
Imagine no more busy signals or straight to voicemail’s when all of your business landlines are busy. Mango Voice features unlimited lines on a cloud-based phone system, free long distance and customized greetings along with an online self-management portal that is simple to use. You can also forward calls to your cell phone using find me follow me. Find me follow me allows a caller to call directly into your office phone first, then, if you are not at your desk after a set amount of seconds/rings the call will then forward automatically to your cell phone which equals more answered calls which means more closed business and happier customers.
Imagine a business phone system that guarantees your customers, patients or clients would be greeted perfectly every time, and always got a chance to speak with someone. What would that do for your business? Do you currently have reports telling you how many calls you are missing on a daily basis? If not Mango Voice can help you with that.
Imagine no more busy signals or straight to voicemail’s when all of your business landlines are busy. Mango Voice features unlimited lines on a cloud-based phone system, free long distance and customized greetings along with an online self-management portal that is simple to use. You can also forward calls to your cell phone using find me follow me. Find me follow me allows a caller to call directly into your office phone first, then, if you are not at your desk after a set amount of seconds/rings the call will then forward automatically to your cell phone which equals more answered calls which means more closed business and happier customers.
There is a 15% chance of earning their business unless you get back to them in under 5 minutes. However, even within 5 minutes, there’s an 80% chance that customer has already pulled up 5 other competitors of yours on their cell phone.
Has anyone called a business landline recently and was greeted with a busy signal or was sent straight to voicemail? I know I have and I thought, “hmm did I call the right number?” or “has the number been disconnected?” The truth is, if your customers are getting busy signals or voicemail’s without the opportunity to speak to someone there is a 15% chance of earning their business unless you get back to them in under 5 minutes. However, even within 5 minutes, there’s an 80% chance that customer has already pulled up 5 other competitors of yours on their cell phone.
Another example, I just signed up a customer who was still using landlines, they were paying $70 a month per line for 5 phone lines including a fax, and they used 10 phones at their office. I was able to cut their monthly bill by 43%. They were paying $396….now they’re paying $225. Plus, instead of just having 5 lines, they now have unlimited lines, free long distance and over 50 other enterprise features to help them grow their business!
If a VoIP business phone service has been on your radar now is the time to invest in your new Mango Voice VoIP phone system. My name is Jonathan Karren and I would love the opportunity to be a part of making your business great! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you would like me to create a custom quote for your business.
Jonathan Karren
Account Executive
Account Executive

Direct: 435-319-6207